
Monday, April 15, 2013

Berkley "Fish with Us"

Mark down 20th April 2013 on your calender, Berkley Malaysia is inviting EVERYONE for a fun fishing event at Syopz Mall, Taylor's University Lakeside campus.

All you need to bring, is your fishing equipment and all tackle needs for soft plastic (worm hooks, jigheads, bullet sinkers, split-shots) and not to forget 'yourself' :) While, the organizers will provide you a variety of Powerbait and Gulp soft-plastics for the day.

To make things more challenging and exciting, we will divide the participants in group. Each group will be given a set of different range of soft-bait (e.g. paddle tail minnow, curly-tail grub, crayfish, minnow, shad, etc) We will set a time limit and there will be a mini-competition based on score points (number of fish caught, most biggest catch, and unique catch) There will be 'Marshall' around to assist.

This is exactly, how the Bassmasters Classic and Japan Bass tournaments are run in the United States of America and Japan.

Make sure you enroll by emailing your confirmation of participation to Only limited to the first 40 participants only...

*PS: It is open to the PUBLIC, everyone is welcome to participate. This event is not only for Pure Fishing customers, we are here to share the knowledge and create that synergy for our beloved sport !